Engaging scientists in laboratory sustainability to reduce nutrient waste!


At Green Lab, our mission is to build a culture of sustainability through science. Our Green Lab Certification Program is the cornerstone of our mission, educating and engaging scientists on laboratory sustainability best practices so they can become active contributors in minimizing the environmental impact of their laboratory operations.

In our lab, we are involved in the selection of less hazardous, more sustainable chemicals selection, and/or the design of chemical products or protocols involving chemicals that aim to reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances as Greener Alternative.

Recognized by the Standards Malaysia and fulfilment of requirement ISO/ICE 17025 since 2015. In becoming Green Lab Certified, we offer complete nutrients analysis on foliar, soil and fertilizer

Accredited with ISO MS 17025: 2017
No. SAMM 694

Our Objective

Our key goal is to provide a rapid, accurate, cost-effective and understandable analytical testing service. At all stages, a strong and knowledgeable back-up team fully supports this. They’re capable of delivering technical guidance and advice in a professional manner.
Therefore, we’re equipped and staffed to process samples quickly and efficiently. Most soil and leaf testing requests are completed within 24~72 hours from sample receipt to the emailed return of results.
Soil Analysis

The physical and chemical characteristics of the soil need to be considered before making any soil management decisions or planning a nutrient application strategy. Soil pH, Cation Exchange Capacity, organic matter and soil texture have an impact on how we manage our soil and crop. Soil testing may be carried out for various purposes.

Mainly on:

  • Assessment of land capability for various forms of agriculture
  • Identifying and quantifying soil constraints (e.g. salinity)
  • Monitoring of soil fertility levels
  • Providing guidelines as to the type and amount of fertilizer to be applied for optimum plant growth on the particular site

The report also interprets the results compared to benchmark levels and gives recommendations to avoid deficiencies. The nutrients included in this analysis are:

  • Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (MgO)
    Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Carbon Nitrogen Ratio (C/N Ratio)
Fertilizer Analysis
Green Lab has an intensive quality monitoring program performed in accordance with the Association of Fertilizer & Phosphate Chemists (AFPC), the Association of Analytical Chemists (AOAC), The Fertilizer Institute (TFI), ISO, CEN that fulling international ISO/ICE 17025
  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis
  • Major and trace elemental analysis
  • Chemical and physical analysis
We capable of performing these analyses on a wide range of fertilizer and related commodities:
  • Slow Release, Control Release, Feed grade, Liquid, Phosphate, Urea, UAN.
Full Spectrum Leaf Analysis
This is our most popular analysis package as this gives the nutrient levels for all twelve plant nutrients and ensures no deficiency is missed. This is the best choice for crop samples. The report also interprets the results compared to benchmark levels and gives recommendations to correct the deficiency. The nutrients included in this analysis are:
  • Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (MgO), Sulphur (S), Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Zinc (Zn)
Analysis of foliar, soil, and fertilizer provides the information to ensure that crop nutrition decisions are timely, accurate, efficient and cost effective. Acquiring and utilising accurate information in the form of analytical data like above is fundamental to many decisions made in the agricultural, horticultural, environmental and amenity sectors. For crop production, it enables planning fertilizer program that is accurate, timely, easy and as environmentally friendly as possible. In short, soil and leaf analysis provide the critical information required to ensure all crop nutrition decisions are accurate, efficient, cost-effective and responsible.